
Resources Some online Resources and Information: Home | CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario)   Family court forms: Family Law Rules Forms | Ontario Court Services (  Ontario Family Law Services:   Legal Aid Ontario: Legal Aid Ontario Renfrew County Legal Clinic: Home – Renfrew County Legal Clinic ( Renfrew…


FAQ’s What’s the difference between Divorce and Separation? In Ontario, obtaining a divorce means that the court has officially ended your marriage. Separation is when a couple decides to ‘live separate and apart’. In Ontario, parties must be separated for one year before either one can apply for a Divore (unless one party is applying…

Ten things to know about Child Support!

Ten things to know about Child Support Child support is easily one of the most disputed issues when parties are separating. Pursuant to Ontario Legislation, every parent has the obligation to support their child. However, there are many exceptions to this obligation and we’re hoping to answer some of these questions.   1. How much…